It’s been awhile since I sent out a post; I apologize for not keep you informed regarding what has been happening.

The other day I posted a note on Facebook which said:

“It’s been a tough 9 months! Two strokes, financial challenge, loosing focus and purpose have been my struggles. But, as I climb out of the hole and get out of the fog, I trust the Lord to get me back on HIS track. Working towards finding a way to get back in the fight in regards to reaching the unreached. The Lord reminds me that it is his fight and trying to fight the fight myself is like a dog chasing his tail. He is Lord! Pray that I continue to get better, his opportunities open up and that I may join him in his work.”

I was surprised that over seventy responded to my post, it was quite an encouragement! Those who responded with some encouraging words are truly a blessing. I look forward to the coming season that as I turn the corner I will be able to accomplish what the Lord desires in his time. I was recently reminded that the Lord’s love and care for me is a relationship that is based on our relationship with each other and not some transactions that I accomplish. Our relationship with him is focused on him and that he loves us. It is not based upon my accomplishments and score to earn his love.

What’s Next:
• I have been able to pick back up my volunteer project with The Seed Company. I hope to continue on towards the goal of researching thousands of people groups in Southeast Asia and the progress of providing them God’s Word in their own hear language.
• I am praying about the timing of our next trip to Asia and spend some valuable time with those I have served with and have opportunity to serve them as the Lord leads.
• I’m still learning to trust the Lord for our provision. Since the stroke, I was no longer employed. I started working at Regent University just a few days a week and hope I can be a blessing as I serve in the area if Career Services for the student body. It does not meet our financial needs but I hope I can stay flexible so that I can increase my time and efforts in order to accomplish the direction towards the Lord’s purpose.
• I also hope to make myself available to churches and groups so that I may assist them to:
o Reach the unreached nations and the poorest of the poor.
o Develop simple church networks to reach the portions of their community that is not being reached via traditional means.
o Come along side of simple church planters and providing encouragement and counsel without hierarchal control.
• We will continue to follow the Lord’s leading in regards to reaching out to our neighborhood as disciples of Jesus and revealing his love and opportunities arise.

We thank you for your prayers and support. You are certainly partners with us, we would love to hear from you and know and know what the Lord is doing in your life.

God Bless!

Don Davis

If you are interested in supporting Don’s ministry you may send your offering to:
Strategic Church Network, PO Box 2304, Portsmouth, VA 23702